We are constantly on the lookout for new recruits to join our program. If you are interested in playing for Harbourside FC, please contact our head coaches. When contacting coaches, please include the following:
Date of birth
Preferred playing position
Previous experience (previous teams)
References ​
Game footage (if available)
Men's Head Coach: klindo@harboursidefc.ca
Women's Head Coach: btaylor@harboursidefc.ca
Technical Lead: dfitzgerald@harboursidefc.ca

Players will be recruited from Nanaimo United FC and other regional clubs, as well as from across BC and Canada. It is anticipated that many will be current or former university players (we work closely with Vancouver Island University) and it is even possible to have international players involved.
Recruitment is an ongoing process and players can be added to the roster until the League 1 deadline to finalize rosters in July 2024 (exact deadline to be confirmed).
There is no age limit but each team is required to meet specific playing minute guidelines for U23 players (to be confirmed by league).
Additional recruiting information available in the HFC Recruitment and Roster Guidelines.